The HSK Speaking Test (HSKK)

I. Beginner Level
The HSK Speaking Test (Beginner Level) assesses the test takers’ ability to express themselves in oral Chinese. It is the counterpart of the Level I and Level II of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages and the A Level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEF). Test takers who are able to pass the HSK Speaking Test (Beginner Level) can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and meet specific needs for communication.
I. Test Target
The HSK Speaking Test (Beginner Level) is intended for the students who have studied Chinese 2-3 class hours per week for 1-2 semesters. These students have mastered about 200 commonly used words.
II. Test Content
The HSK Speaking Test (Beginner Level) is comprised of three parts, containing 27 items in total.
Section Number of Items Duration (Min)
Part I Listen and Repeat 15 4
Part II Listen and Reply 10 3
Part III Answer the Questions 2 3
Total 27 10
The duration of the test is 17 minutes (including 7 minutes for preparation).
There are 15 items in Part I. For each item, a sentence recording will be played. The test taker should repeat the sentence.
There are 10 items in Part II. In each item, the recording of a question will be played. The test taker should provide a brief answer.
There are 2 items in Part III. There will be two questions on the test paper (in pinyin). The test taker should answer these questions using a minimum of 5 sentences per answer.
III. Results Certificate
The maximum score of the HSK Speaking Test (Beginner Level) is 100. A score of 60 or above is considered a passing result.
Max Score Passing Score Your Score
100 60 ?
As a Chinese language certificate for foreign students’ entry into Chinese colleges, the results of the HSK are valid for two years (beginning from the test date).
II. Intermediate Level
The HSK Speaking Test (Intermediate Level) assesses the test takers’ ability to express themselves in oral Chinese. It is the counterpart of the Level III and Level IV of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages and the B Level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEF). Test takers who are able to pass the HSK Speaking Test (Intermediate Level) can understand intermediate Chinese and converse fluently with native Chinese speakers.
I. Test Target
The HSK Speaking Test (Intermediate Level) is intended for students who have studied Chinese 2-3 hours per week for 1-2 academic years. These students have mastered about 900 commonly used words.
II. Test Content
The HSK Speaking Test (Intermediate Level) is comprised of three parts, containing 14 items in total.
Section Number of Items Duration (Min)
Part I Listen and Repeat 10 3
Part II Picture Description 2 4
Part III Answer the Questions 2 4
Total 14 11
The duration of the test is 21 minutes (including 10 minutes for preparation).
There are 10 items in Part I. For each item, a sentence recording will be played. The test taker should repeat the sentence.
There are 2 items in Part II. Each item consists of an image. The test taker should say something based on the picture.
There are 2 items in Part III. The test taker should answer the two questions (in pinyin).
III. Results Certificate
The maximum score of the HSK Speaking Test (Intermediate Level) is 100. A score of 60 or above is considered a passing result.
Max Score Passing Score Your Score
100 60 ?
As a Chinese language certificate for foreign students’ entry into Chinese colleges, the results of the HSK are valid for two years (beginning from the test date).
III. Advanced Level
The HSK Speaking Test (Advanced Level) assesses the test takers’ ability to express themselves orally in Chinese. It is the counterpart of the Level V of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages and the C Level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEF). Test takers who are able to pass the HSK Speaking Test (Advanced Level) can understand spoken Chinese and fluently express their ideas in Chinese.
I. Test Target
The HSK Speaking Test (Advanced Level) is intended for the students who have studied Chinese 2-3 class hours per week for more than 2 academic years. These students have mastered about 3,000 common words.
II. Test Content
The HSK Speaking Test (Advanced Level) is comprised of three parts, containing 6 items in total.
Section Number of Items Duration (Min)
Part I Listen and Repeat 3 7
Part II Read Aloud 1 2
Part III Answer the Questions 2 5
Total 6 14
The duration of the test is 24 minutes (including 10 minutes for preparation).
There are 3 items in Part I. The recording of a passage will be played, and the test taker should repeat the content.
There is 1 item in Part II. There will be a passage on the test paper, and the test taker should read it out aloud.
There are 2 items in Part III. The test taker should answer the two questions on the test paper.
III. Results Certificate
The maximum score of the HSK Speaking Test (Advanced Level) is 100. A score of 60 or above is considered a passing result.
Max Score Passing Score Your Score
100 60 ?
As a Chinese language certificate for foreign students’ entry into Chinese colleges, the results of the HSK are valid for two years (beginning from the test date).